Three Wheeled Automobiles

This month, theMotorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) announced the introduction of a letter to theNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) regarding the current federal definition of motorcycles. NHTSA defines a motorcycle as a motor vehicle with motive power having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground. With the recent proliferation of three-wheeled automobiles such as the Polaris Slingshot and the Campagna T-Rex, this definition is no longer adequate. A motor vehicle equipped with a foot-controlled accelerator and a steering wheel should not fall…

Motorcycle Helmet Laws

Motorcycle Helmet Laws in Virginia and North Carolina Are you and your helmet compliant with the motorcycle helmet laws in Virginia and North Carolina? Find out by familiarizing yourself with the relevant statutes. Virginia Motorcycle Helmet Laws Virginia’s motorcycle helmet laws can be found instate statute 46.2-910. They require every person operating or riding as a passenger on a motorcycle or autocycle to wear a helmet and use some type of eye protection, which may include: Face shields Safety goggles Having their motorcycle equipped with safety glass or a windshield The only exception are riders or passengers on motorcycles with…

Tips To Keep Your Motorcycle Running In Top Shape

Keeping your bike in proper working order helps keep you safe on the road. Some riders like to handle nearly all types of maintenance on their own, while others trust the big service jobs to professional mechanics. Even if you’re not mechanically inclined, there are still a handful of relatively easily routine maintenance jobs you can likely perform yourself. These are just general suggestions. The actual proper application of each of the following maintenance suggestions may vary depending on the year, make and model of your motorcycle. Always consult your owner’s manual before performing any maintenance on your bike. Checking…

Partner Inducted Into the SC Biker Hall Of Fame

We are excited to announce that one of our partners, Chad Fuller, was recently inducted into the South Carolina Biker Hall of Fame. The SC Biker Hall of Fame was created in 2014 to highlight the men and women in South Carolina who have dedicated their lives to riding motorcycles and have made a positive impact on the South Carolina biker community. When Chad joined theMotorcycle Law Group in 2010, we knew his passion for riding and years of trial experience made him the perfect fit for our team. Chad heads ourSouth Carolina office and is an advocate for motorcyclists’…

Virginia To Change The Definition Of A Salvage Vehicle

The Chairmen of the Senate and House Transportation Committees requested that a committee be formed over the summer to look at the proposed change to Virginia law as it pertains to the definition of a salvage vehicle. For those of you who followed last year’s session, you will recall that there were two identical bills, Senate Bill 1364 and House Bill 1780, that would have changed the definition of a salvage vehicle by removing the requirement that the vehicle be a late model vehicle. A late model vehicle is a vehicle of the current year, or previous five years. Susan…

POA Communication After A Motorcycle Accident Injury

People involved in all types of auto accidents can be injured so severely that they are either knocked unconscious or are put under anesthesia shortly after the accident occurs. There may also be situations where a person isn’t entirely unconscious but they’re also incapable of making informed decisions for themselves due to a head injury. The risk of those types of injuries is a lot higher for motorcyclists than it is for other motorists due to the nature of riding. People on motorcycles aren’t surrounded by steel and airbags to protect them in an accident, so head and spine injuries…

Unwritten Rules Of Riding Motorcycles

Assume Every Car or Truck on the Road Is an Accident Waiting to Happen Every motorist, regardless of their vehicle, is well served by driving defensively. Motorcyclists should take defensive driving up a notch and essentially ride as if they’re invisible. Car, truck and SUV drivers regularly cut motorcyclists off, drift into their lane or even tailgate riders as if they have little to no regard for rider safety. Assuming you’re invisible to drivers puts you in an avoidance-mode mindset. You can’t rely on other drivers to keep you safe – you have to be the responsible one. Bugs and…

Motorcycle License Plate Placement Laws

You just bought the bike of your dreams and you’re ready to get out on the open road. Fresh air, travel and adventure await! Before you head out, there are few things you want to make sure you have so you don’t get yourself in trouble. As silly and miniscule as it may seem, where you put your license plate could get you pulled over. If you want to avoid an encounter with the police, here are some tips on motorcycle license placement to keep you riding. How to Display Your Licence Plate on Your Motorcycle You should check your…